
Track carbon emissions at the source.

API Key is required for all Estimate endpoints.

Create a new Estimate event.

POST https://api.carbonlink.io/v1/estimates

Request Body

    estimateId: "YOUR-ESTIMATE-ID"

Retrieve an existing Estimate event.

GET https://api.carbonlink.io/v1/estimates

Use query parameters to search for an Estimate event by the event ID.

Query Parameters

  id: "est_12345678",
  kgCO2e: 123.45,
  price: 230.91,
  default_asset: "asset_123456...",
  breakdown: {
    "co2": 0.12,
    "ch4": 0.48,
    "sf6": 0.40
  products: {
    "prod_123...": {
        id: "prod_123...",
    "prod_456...": {
        id: "prod_456...",
  shipping_details: {
    distance: {
      unit: "mile",
      value: 12.12
    route: "land",
    weight: {
      unit: "kg",
      value: 100
  active: true,

List all Estimate events.

GET https://api.carbonlink.io/v1/estimates

      id: "est_12345678",
      kgCO2e: 123.45,
      price: 230.91,
      default_asset: "asset_123456...",
      breakdown: {...},
      products: {...},
      shipping_details: {...},
      active: true,

Last updated