
Contains data related to the emission estimation of one or more goods and services.

The Estimate object

id string

Unique identifier for the object

kgCO2e float

Total weight of emissions

price float

Total price of offsetting this amount of kgCO2e using carbon assets from the default_asset asset, in USD

default_asset string

Identifier for the Asset object used to estimate the price of a future offset.

breakdown object

Breakdown of GHG emissions by various constituent gases, in kilograms.

products object

Object containing one or more Product objects

shipping_details object optional

Optional object containing details about the shipping these Product(s).

customerRef string optional

Customer reference ID

createdAt string

Time of Estimate creation

// Example:
  id: "est_12345678",
  kgCO2e: 123.45,
  price: 230.91,
  default_asset: "asset_123456...",
  breakdown: {
    "co2": 0.12,
    "ch4": 0.48,
    "sf6": 0.40
  products: {
    "prod_123...": {
        id: "prod_123...",
    "prod_456...": {
        id: "prod_456...",
  shipping_details: {
    distance: {
      unit: "mile",
      value: 12.12
    route: "land",
    weight: {
      unit: "kg",
      value: 100
  customerRef: "",
  createdAt: "2011-10-05T14:48:00.000Z",

Last updated