
Contains data about a carbon credit project from the Carbonlink Asset Library.

The Project object

id string

Unique identifier for the object

name string

The name of the project

country string

Country where carbon assets were produced

region string

Region where carbon assets were produced

geo tuple(float, float)

Geolocation of project, in (Longitude, Latitude)

description string

Description of project

imageUrl string

URL of an image representing this project

url string

URL linking to a page with more details about this project

registry string

The name of the carbon credit registry this asset belongs to

registryId string

Identifier with the registry for locating this project

sdgs object

List of objects denoting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) awarded to this project. Each SDG object contains an index (int) and a name (string).

vintages object

List of objects containing details of each production year for this project.

// Example:
  id: "proj_12345678",
  name: "Kasigau Corridor REDD+ Project",
  country: "Kenya",
  region: "Mombasa",
  geo: (-1.23, 12.23),
  description: "The Kasigau Corridor REDD+ Project is focused on land conser...",
  imageUrl: "https://.../proj_123...",
  url: "",
  registry: "Verra",
  registryId: "VCS-612",
  sdgs: [
    { index: 1, name: "No Poverty" },
    { index: 5, name: "Gender Equality" }
  vintages: [
        year: "2019",
        year: "2020",

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