How Carbonlink Works
Building awesome products is tough work--and it's twice as difficult to build awesome products that are sustainable from the get-go.
Carbonlink handles the tracking and negation of your emissions so you can focus on what you do best.
Emission Estimation
Each emission source is unique, but also measurable. Using Carbonlink's Estimate API, you can map details about your products to a per-unit emission estimate that you can use to automatically track your carbon footprint from the ground up. To learn more about how this works, visit our page on Estimate Methodology for details.
Now that you've used the Carbonlink API to automate emission tracking, you might be wondering: "Is that all I can do?"
Emission Reduction
Just as emission sources can be measured, "emission sinks" that remove carbon emissions from the atmosphere can be measured too! We've compiled a list of emission sink Projects and Project groupings called "Pools" into the Carbonlink Asset Library that you can contribute to and effectively reduce your carbon footprint.
If that doesn't make any sense, you can get a better understanding of our assets here. This method of emission reduction at-a-distance is known as "offsetting". Use Carbonlink's Offset API to make contributions to a Project or Pool of your choice and claim emission reductions as your own. Find out more about the process of reducing emissions by visiting this article on the Environmental Impact of Offsetting.
What must go up must come down. Building awesome products always takes some toll on the environment, but by measuring your environmental footprint and making contributions against it, you can kickstart the transition to making your products carbon neutral!
Next steps:
Level up your products by getting started with the Carbonlink API today. To gain access, we'll provide you with an API Key when you book a demo with us.
Last updated