
Contains data about a carbon credit Pool from the Carbonlink Asset Library.

The Pool object

id string

Unique identifier for the object

name string

The name of the pool

ticker string

Ticker for this pool's blockchain token

address string

Address associated with this pool's blockchain token

description string

Description of pool

imageUrl string

URL of an image representing this pool

url string

URL linking to a page with more details about this pool

// Example:
  id: "pool_12345678",
  name: "Nature Carbon Tonne",
  ticker: "NCT",
  address: "0xfY52uLd7a1..."
  description: "The Nature Carbon Tonne token holds millions of credits...",
  imageUrl: "https://.../pool_123...",
  url: "https://www.carbonlink.io/.../pool_123...",

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