
Contains data related to the action of purchasing an amount of carbon credits and removing that amount of credits from circulation.

The Offset object

id string

Unique identifier for the object

credits float

Total number of carbon credits removed from circulation

credits_matched float optional

The additional credits retired by the API Client on behalf of the offset event.

kgCO2e float

Total weight in kilograms of carbon dioxide gas equivalent offset with this event.

cost float

Total cost of purchasing credits from asset and removing them from circulation, in USD

estimate object optional

The Estimate object used to offset with. This object is only available if an estimateId was provided while generating this offset.

asset object

The Asset object used to offset with. This object reflects the actual Asset from which credits were retired. Note: This may be your fallback asset if an assetId was not provided or was invalid while generating this offset.

address string optional

Blockchain transaction address of successful retirement. This attribute is only available after the Offset is completed.

customerRef string optional

Customer reference ID

createdAt string

Time of Offset creation.

// Example:
  id: "off_12345678",
  credits: 12.30,
  credits_matched: 1.23,
  kgCO2e: 12300.45,
  cost: 18.97,
  estimate: {
    id: "est_123...",
  asset: {
    id: "asset_123...",

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